METU CE Alumni Prof. Burcu AKINCI will be part of a NASA Research Team
- English
- Türkçe
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, including Prof. Dr. Burcu AKINCI, a CEE professor and expert in information modeling, will lead NASA research team on machine learning and robotic systems for the habitats on the Moon and Mars.
NASA will be funding a multi-Unversity Space Technology Research Institute with $15 million, to create habitats on the Moon and Mars that can support astronauts and remain operational even when they return to Earth. The Institute will create these habitats that will be able to process and interpret data and make decisions without the need of an astronaut. The research team is looking at using artificial intelligence to analyze the data gleaned from the space equipment so that they can understand electricity use in the habitat.
Prof. Dr. Burcu AKINCI earned her BS in Civil Engineering (1991) from Middle East Technical University and her MBA (1993) from Bilkent University at Ankara, Türkiye. After that, she earned her MS (1995) and her Ph.D. (2000) in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a specialization in Construction Engineering and Management from Stanford University. She is currently a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University, and Associate Deanfor Research for the College of Engineering at CMU.
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Prof. Dr. Burcu Akıncı's website: