METU Civil Engineering Faculty Member Asst. Prof. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz's TUBITAK 1001 Project
METU Civil Engineering faculty member Asst. Prof. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz is currently the principal investigator of a TUBITAK 1001 project, Estimation of Homogeneous High-Resolution Radar Based Precipitation Map Improved Using Station Based Observations Over Türkiye. In this project, Assoc. Prof. İsmail Yücel and PhD candidate Eren Düzenli are also working with Asst. Prof. M. Tuğrul Yılmaz. The project started in 2017 and is expected to be concluded in 2020.
The aims of this project are, combining radar data obtained by General Directorate of Meteorology with observations, preparation of homogeneous and high-resolution precipitation map over Türkiye, enabling the use of all academics both raw and combined and improved precipitation maps. Since 2000, General Directorate of Meteorology is estimating precipitation by 12 meteorology radar established in different regions of our country. In addition to these radars, installation of 4 radars, which will take in operation in near future, is completed but the testing process is continuing, and installation of 2 more radars is still in progress. Radars do not measure the precipitation directly; instead they calculate it by using several statistically derived empirical equations or algorithms. Hence, the radar-based precipitation estimates are not perfect and contain errors for many reasons. Also, since these radars, which have potential to spatially cover all Türkiye, are affected by software, hardware, or environmental error sources, they can give systematic or non-systematic errors when compared with ground observation stations. It is possible to reduce these errors of radar data by referencing the data obtained from ground-based observations. However, the number of similar studies took place in Türkiye is very few or they cover very limited work space or time. Improving all radar data obtained so far with ground observation stations will increase the use of the data in various subjects. With this project, data that are already obtained and to be obtained from first radar installation year 2000 to the end of year 2017, are expected to be presented as three different high-resolution maps. These three maps are the maps of combined raw radar data, maps include only improved radar data and the maps prepared with improved data and data obtained from stations at the areas outside the radars' coverage. These radar and ground observation-based precipitation maps are expected to be used in many studies especially hydrology, meteorology and agriculture and it is also expected to form a basis for many studies. In particular, this study will reveal highly critical results for the operational prediction of flash flood.