Yaz stajı için şirketten alınması gereken muvafakat yazısındaki "Şirketimizde/Kurumumuzda, staj yapılacak yerde alınması gereken her türlü sağlık, güvenlik ve COVID-19 önlemleri alınmıştır." ibaresi nedeniyle bazı şirketlerin bu belgeyi imzalamaktan çekindikleri bilgisini aldık. Lütfen staj ayarlayacağınız şirket yetkililerine bu belgenin bürokratik bir prosedür olduğu, şirketin öğrenciye COVID19 virüsü bulaşmayacağı garantisi vermesi anlamına gelmediği, stajyerlere sigorta yapıldığı, salgın durumundan önce İSG önlemleri alınmasının zorunlu olmasının iş kazası olmayacağı garantisini vermediği gibi salgın önlemlerinin de hastalıktan korunma garantisi vermeyeceği, ve istenenin şirketin herhangi bir çalışanını çalıştırmak için gereken İSG önlemlerinden farklı olmadığı yönünde hatırlatma ve telkinlerde bulununuz. İkna edilemeyen şirket yetkilisiyle doğrudan temasa geçebilmemiz için iletişim bilgilerini staj koordinatörümüz Belgin Turan'a gönderiniz.

Dear Students,

I want to share some recent news on summer practice with you:

In the June 02, 2020 department academic board meeting, it was decided to offer you doing the summer internship online with our department's professors within our means. (Priority will be given for CE400, and if possible, CE300 for a limited number of students in graduation status).

The students and the corresponding company to be interned must sign the consent letter (There are two forms on our website). Our students, who will physically do a summer internship in a company, should fill and sign the "Student Consent Letter" on our website and in the attachment and send it to (turanb@metu.edu.tr).

Doing summer practices in firms by observing the practice of the theory is essential. It may be possible to do both of your summer practices in the summertime of 2021 after the COVID-19 is over. To the ones who will do their summer practices this summer, require to fill in, sign, and approve the document with the company's stamp. The document is given in the attachment and our website, namely, "Company Consent Letter." Please send the approved documents to (turanb@metu.edu.tr) via email. The rectorate informed that they would not issue insurance for the cases where these documents are missing. This is because summer practice insurance covers only occupational accidents. According to the law, it is obligatory to issue insurance for the summer practice, so the department will not accept the summer practices without insurance. "The Insurance Declaration" will be issued for the ones who meet these conditions if they send their summer practice requests on CE Panel.

The priority will be given to the students who are in the graduation status and will do their CE400. Unfortunately, offering the summer practice online to all of the students does not seem feasible because of the limited capabilities.

We are approving the programs of the firms which offer students to do their internships online, such as Yapı Merkezi and Yüksel Proje, by examining the details. However, please note that their capacity is highly limited.

If you are planning to attend a "Voluntary Internship" this summer, this will not be approved due to security purposes.

Please do not exceed the suggested summer practice durations.

The users can enter the system via the CE panel as usual for the summer practices that the department provides. The rest of the procedures will be executed at its normal pace and methods.

Note: The ones who will do their internship online do not need to fill in the document "Letter of Consent."


Last Updated:
03/07/2020 - 12:19